Axia Mineracao SA

Axía Mineração S.A. and CPRM confirm partnership to advance complementary research on the Bom Jardim de Goiás copper project, following successful due diligence.

About partnership

Entities involved

  • Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais (CPRM): A public company affiliated with the Ministry of Mines and Energy, responsible for Brazil’s Geological Service.
  • Axía Bom Jardim SPE Ltda. and Axía Mineração S.A.: Private sector partners committed to responsible mineral research

Contract Objective

This agreement establishes a joint commitment between CPRM and Axía to continue mineral research in mining right ANM 812.488/1974. It’s based on in-depth geological studies, aiming for sustainable discovery and development of new mineral deposits nationwide

Legality and Conpliance

This document complies with Article 4.4 of Contract No. 021/PR/2023, regarding the promise to assign mining rights, signed on January 31, 2023, marking the commencement of the complementary research phase

Project history

In 2023, Axía initiated the audit phase in mineral right ANM 812.488/1974, conducting due diligence activities, geophysical, geochemical, topographical surveys and diamond drilling


This Mineral Rights Assignment Promise Contract solidifies the partnership between Axía and CPRM, highlighting the importance of public-private sector collaboration in developing Brazil’s natural resources. Axía commits to responsible, innovative and environmentally conscious mining practices, respecting local communities For more informations about this partnership and other Axía initiatives, please visit our website. nosso site.